Enlightening Talent Lives Here! 

Along with career path advisory, we provide services and accesses to aspiring artists and entertainers who endeavor to share their talent with the world. Our name and focus is unique due to its endeavor to present talented people to their respective industry whom will bring art that is enlightening, uplifting, and soul enriching. This endeavor encompasses the “Build Kingdom Riches” movement!

Authors, Poets, Writers:

– Literary Agent Acquisition
– Publishing Acquisition
– Paid Publication Submissions
– Free Lance Opportunities
– Playwriting & Screenwriting Markets

Music Artists, Producers, Song Writers:

– Music Publishing
– Performance Rights Affiliation
– Booking
– Promotion
– Recording Contract Acquisition

Actors & Actresses: Film division provides mentoring and tools for career direction. Access to networks for casting calls, agent acquisition, and SAG union work opportunities.


If you are in search of quality management and you fit the talent criteria that we are looking to represent, please contact us for more information.


Edwin K. Reynolds

Principal Talent Manager & General Partner

US Army Veteran and former music recording artist that recorded and performed from 1995 to 2007. During time as an artist, inspired young listeners through spiritual based Hip Hop. Ultimate goal in music was to touch the lives of urban youth and show them the true way intended for humanity by dispelling the lies that inner-city life and media propaganda had taught them. Currently operates BKR talent management by which he mentors young talent and other artists to help bring exposure for those that have an enlightening message and lyrical substance that is often overlooked by mainstream outlets.